School Day
School officially starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm. The doors are opened at 8.35am and children may go straight into their classrooms. Children in Reception enter through their outdoor area. All other year groups enter the school through the pupil entrance at the front of the building.
Please ensure that your domestic arrangements are such that pupils arrive at school on time each day and are collected promptly at the end of school. Lateness is recorded and monitored.
Please note: children in Reception finish at the slightly earlier time of 3.10pm in order to give parents enough time to make their way round to the back of the school to collect older siblings from outside their classrooms.
Typically, in the morning, children have their English and Maths lessons, a playtime and a daily Act of Collective Worship (on Friday, this is a celebration). In the afternoons, the children experience a wide range of curriculum subjects, which are detailed in our curriculum overviews.
School meals are provided by Emma's Kitchen. For further information regarding hot lunches, please see the school lunches tab. Alternatively, children may bring a packed lunch and a still drink in an unbreakable container.
For information about free school meals and provision for lower income families, please contact the school office. In accordance with the statutory requirement for state-funded schools, universal free school meals are provided to all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 who wish to have them.
As part of a continuing Healthy Eating campaign, children are permitted to bring fruit or raw vegetables to school to be eaten at break time. Sweets are not allowed. We ask that each child has a water bottle to be kept in class during the day. Children in Key Stage 1 are provided with free fruit as an extra and Reception children are provided with free milk up until they are 5 years of age and then parents may pay on-line to the ‘Cool Milk Company’ if their child wishes to continue having milk. The milk is refrigerated.