Forest School
We give our children the opportunity to spend time outside in our dedicated Forest School area for first-hand contact with the natural world in whatever season or weather. These structured and supportive sessions enable children to develop their understanding of the world, the environment and themselves, using their emotions, imagination and senses. We use outdoor activities as a tool to support the development of a child’s sense of well-being and engagement in their learning. The approach of small achievable tasks and a focus on the process rather than the end product, help progress the child’s personal, social and emotional development. Forest School happens in the natural environment, where children can see, hear, touch and smell what’s happening. It’s also where actions have real results and consequences. Our Forest School helps to bring school subjects alive and provides experiential and hands on opportunities.
The children love it!
"In Forest School I really enjoyed using a flint and steel to make a fire, and I really enjoyed this!"
"During Forest School I really enjoy using the palm drill to make holes in some of the wood to make necklaces and bracelets."
"During Forest School I really enjoy using the shovels to dig holes in the digging area. We have planted lots of trees and also found lots of buried objects in our time at Forest School."
"In Forest School I really enjoyed using a saw to cut pieces of wood for the fire. We had our 'blood bubble' so we used the tools safely!
To see our curriculum in action, please click on the tab on the right.
The F.S Redevelopment
Mrs Rugg has completed the Level 3 Training Programme and is now an accredited Forest School Leader. From September 2022, every child from Years Reception - Year 6 will enjoy a Forest School session every week. This year, the PTA are financially supporting the forest School Redevelopment.